1. Be organised
Keep your materials organised and in one place so that it would be easy to find them. Mark upcoming deadlines on your calendar and start projects early to allow sufficient time to complete them in case other things come up in the meantime.
2. Be realistic
There may not be enough time for everything, so get your priorities straight and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t accomplish every single task you’ve set out to do on a given day.
3. Remember why you’re doing it
By taking on work and studies at the same time, you’re accepting a challenge. But you wouldn’t be doing it if you didn’t have strong reasons and motivation. Keep your goals in mind whenever it starts to feel like too much.
4. Track your time
For one week, track how you spend your time. How much time do you spend doing things that don’t matter to you? Or that don’t align with your priorities? Eliminate these things from your life, or delegate them.
5. Have a confident mindset
It is how you perceive your life that will determine what your like looks like, your thoughts and your actions will determine your success.
6. Respect personal time
An emergency would most likely have to come up before you’d reschedule an important work meeting. Give your own time the same respect. Once you’ve put private time on your schedule, protect it, unless there’s an emergency.
7. Ask for Support
Tell your boss, family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else involved in your life that you are seeking a better work-life balance.
8. Learn How to Say “No”
Don’t say yes to every request that comes your way.